
Product based on high quality natural chitosan extract for foliar application.

What kind of product is CHITOMAX?

Chitomax is a solution based on Chitosan Hydrochloride approved as basic substance according to Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009.

It is a product 100% natural and totally biodegradable, made exclusively from natural extracts of high density chitosan (derived from chitin of crustacean origin).

*Product usable in organic farming

Chitomax is not sold as a plant protection product, but it is useful for crop protection.


Action Mode

Action against Bacteria:

It binds to the phospholipids of the membrane of Gram Negative bacteria, causing the release of cellular material.

Other functions:

Improves root volume: rooting, lignification and suberization, especially in damaged areas.

Nematostatic effect, greater leaf surface, growth stimulation, longer postharvest life, carrier effect of negative polar compounds.


• Activation of the natural defense mechanism of plants
• Better caliber and quality of fruits
• Longer postharvest life of fruits
• Farmers could reduce plant protection products usage
• 100% organic and zero residue product (no Safety Period)
• Safe for the user and environmentally friendly
• Its inclusion in resistance management strategies is very useful