New corporate video – ADLER AGRO
We present our new corporate video. We are delighted to be able to present the new corporate video of ADLER AGRO. In this video, we want to share with you our values as a company and show how we work every day to offer new and innovative solutions for efficient,...
Happy holidays
From ADLER AGRO, we wish you a happy holiday surrounded by your family and friends
Adler Agro at the Eco Chemical Solutions by Quimacova (EChS) at Ecofira
We were at the "Chemical Sector Show for Sustainability and Circular Economy" at the Ecofira in Valencia. Adler Agro, as an associate of the Chemical sector of the Valencian Community association (Quimacova), was participating in the new space that this association...
Visit of our distributor exclusively for Hungary
Our distributor in Hungary visits our facilities in Spain. Finally, thanks to the improvement of the COVID situation, we were able to enjoy the company of our representatives exclusively for Hungary last Wednesday. In this sense, we were able to share a pleasant time...
Sustainable agriculture to feed the world
The great demographic challenge of the future requires innovative and sustainable solutions that guarantee sufficient and quality food production. As the statistics show, throughout the last century, agriculture based on the intensive use of resources developed in the...
From ADLER AGRO we wish you Happy Holidays
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ADLER AGRO walks towards the Industry 4.0 model
We started a digitization process to continue guaranteeing quality and service to our clients, being much more energy efficient. During this month of November, we have finished installing new large capacity manufacturing reactors that will help us triple the...
Newsletter from ADLER AGRO
New ADLER AGRO Newsletter on the products and activities of our company.At ADLER we like to keep our clients well informed, therefore, we have created this new Newsletter with valuable technical information about our products and other news about our activity. We...
We expand our portfolio for Organic Farming
ADLER AGRO already has 12 products suitable for Organic Agriculture and 7 more are in the certification processFrom Adler Agro we have proposed to guarantee accessible solutions that are respectful of the environment and society for farmers. Therefore, one of our...
ADLER AGRO enables new tools to facilitate work-life balance
Adler Agro encourages telecommuting among its employees to facilitate work-life balance and labor flexibilityFrom ADLER AGRO we have enabled tools to work in the cloud and remote controlled solutions that allow the workers to be able to carry out their tasks from...
Nouveau certificat BIO
Récemment, nous avons obtenu le certificat écologique de Sohiscert pour les produits suivants: – B Complex – Cu Complex – Zn-Mn Complex Ces trois certificats s’ajoutent à la gamme complète de produits approuvés pour l’agriculture biologique par Adler Agro. Nous...
ADLER AGRO gets Xpande grant for Internationalization
The Valencian Chamber of Commerce has granted ADLER AGRO with Xpande aid for Internationalization, specifically for entry into the Polish market. Adler Agro, S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the...
Effet de la fertilisation potassique contre le gel
Les basses températures peuvent endommager considérablement la production agricole, elles peuvent même être mortelles en cas de gel. Une gestion adéquate de la fertilisation favorise la santé générale de la plante et la résistance à ces conditions climatiques...
Extrait d’algues contre le stress abiotique
Le stress abiotique est un élément limitant important de la performance en agriculture. Ce type de stress fait référence à tous les facteurs environnementaux qui ralentissent la croissance et réduisent la productivité des cultures, tels que les températures extrêmes,...
Visite distributeur iranien
La semaine dernière, notre distributeur exclusif en Iran s’est rendu à Valence pour se familiariser avec la gestion de la fertilisation des agrumes avec les produits ADLER AGRO. Au cours de ces journées en Espagne, ils ont eu l’occasion d’en apprendre davantage sur...
Visite distributeur Roumanie
Nous avons reçu à Valence les responsables du distributeur d’ADLER AGRO en Roumanie. Lors de votre visite dans nos installations, nous avons présenté les nouvelles de la société et les améliorations apportées à notre usine. De la même manière, nous avons pu étudier...
Adler Agro receives a subsidy from the Regional Government of Valencian Community
Adler Agro has received a subsidy to improve competitiveness and sustainability, promoted by the Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor of the Generalitat Valenciana, for € 29,087.70. This aid will be used to finance part of the...
Visit from our distributor for Romania to our facilities in Albuixech
Certainly, one of the things that differentiate ADLER AGRO is the closeness and treatment to its customers and distributors. In this regard, last week we had the pleasure of receiving our distributor exclusively for Romania at our headquarters in Albuixech. In this...
Agro Adler obtient la certification Sohiscert de produits utilisable dans l'agriculture biologique en vertu du règlement (CE) n° 834/2007 pour les produits suivants: AMINO NATURE - Acides aminés BROTOSTIM – Mélange de microéléments FULVIC NATURE - Engrais organique...
Happy Holidays!
The team of Adler Agro wishes you a Merry Christmas. We hope 2016 will be a great year for everyone.
Entrevue en Quimacova
Voici une interview que notre directeur a accordé à Quimacova, association de laquelle nous sommes membres. Cliquez ici pour accéder à l´entrevue. Nous faisons un rappel de nos valeurs, nos objectives et la relation que nous avons avec la Societé Quimacova.
Dia de la Tierra
Aunque la agricultura contribuye a la conservación del medio rural y la naturaleza, la utilización de métodos intensivos trae nuevos problemas, que afectan al medio ambiente. El uso incontrolado de fertilizantes puede tener un impacto ambiental negativo. Su uso...
La jeunesse et le secteur agricole
Bien que l’industrie alimentaire a un poids de 8% du PIB espagnol, et que ce même secteur emploie environ 2 millions de personnes, la figure de l’agriculteur professionnel est pas défendue comme il est dans d’autres pays. Nous sommes dans une ère de changement, de...
Agricultura ¿robótica?
Empecemos definiendo lo que significa la palabra robot, que, en tantos casos, nos espanta y atrae al mismo tiempo. El término procede de la palabra checa robota, que significa ‘trabajo obligatorio’. No deja de ser un producto que tiene sus funciones definidas al 100%...
Feria Agroexpo-Don Benito
YAdler Agro participará en la Feria Internacional Agroexpo, en la localidad extremeña de Don Benito, que tendrá lugar los días 27-30 de enero de 2016. La Feria Agroexpo es una de las más importantes a nivel nacional, cuenta con 25.000 m2 de exposición y más de 200...
ADLER AGRO joined Quimacova - Association of Chemical Companies CV, a group that brings together the leading companies in our region. We hope thereby to increase our competitiveness through collaboration with the rest of members and to participate actively in the...
Adler Agro is committed to innovation
At ADLER AGRO we know that our customers are the ones who best know their needs. Our Technical Department continues to work in close collaboration with farmers performing multiple trials and developing new products.